
What Is Causing These Water Line Leaks?

When you notice that a drain in your home is slow to clear, it can be very easy to make a mental note to grab a bottle of chemical drain clean the next time you are at the grocery store. It seems like a very economical and straightforward choice. But what you might not know is that your $10 bottle of drain cleaner could destroy your home’s drain lines. And even if there is no significant damage, that chemical cocktail is not going to provide a reliable solution to your drain clog.

The Anatomy Of A Clog

It is essential to understand what makes a drain clog before you can understand how to eliminate one. Most drain clogs are a combination of hair, soap scum, grease, oil, and dirt particles. Basically, it is all of the things that you wash down the drain when bathing or washing dishes. The oil from washing pots and pans and bath products is the beginning of the issue. These materials coat the inside of the drain pipes in your home and then congeal to form a sticky residue. And that residue begins to gather particles of dirt, pieces of food, and even bits of soap to create a blockage. Then add in the loose hairs washed down the drain, and you have a complete drain clog.

How Chemical Drain Cleaners Claim To Work

Chemical drain cleaners are harsh acids that are supposed to eat away at a drain clog. But the problem arises when the chemicals can only come into contact with a small part of the clog. So the acid settles in at the surface of the clog and tries to eat it away with heat. But unfortunately, your drainpipe is bearing the brunt of most of the acid activity. So the clog remains firmly in place while your drain pipe begins to melt.

Don’t Forget About The Health Hazards

If you have ever read the label on a bottle of drain cleaner, there is very little truth to be found. But the majority of it is concealed in very tiny print in the health and safety warning. The short version is that these chemicals are caustic and will burn your skin. And if the chemicals get in your eyes, you should rinse with water and seek medical help. You need to cover your entire body when using these chemicals and be very careful.

But that does not cover the part about the toxic fumes these chemicals will create. The label tells you to use only in a well-ventilated space. So you must hold your breath while carefully pouring the chemicals into the drain. Then leave the room, hopefully being able to close a door to contain the fumes. However, if you cannot control the fumes, you could experience burning to the eyes, nose, and throat, watering eyes, a running nose, and coughing. And anyone in your home could also suffer these same issues, including your domestic pets.

A Safe Solution

After learning these well-kept secrets about chemical drain cleaners, you are sure to be eager to hear about a safe solution. A professional drain cleaning uses nothing but very high-pressure pure water to blast clogs, residue, and any debris from all of the drain lines in your home. And there are no nasty fumes or potential for the destruction of your home’s drain lines.

When you discover a slow clearing drain, call (706) 303-0987 to schedule a professional clog solution. The licensed plumbers from Drain Surgeon will have all of the clogs and residue removed quickly, safely, and cost-effectively.